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When I was in the 3rd Grade I had to learn Langston Hughes' Poem: What Happens To A Dream Deferred? I recall thinking that it took off running as fast as it could down the street and around the corner; because you see, I never could understand idioms and as smart as I was with my numbers and my computer programming, I just still couldn't get it. But then one day it just EXPLODED! That "AHA" moment hit me like a ton of light bulbs knocking upside my brain. WHAT I NOW KNOW IS THAT YOU MUST TAKE ACTION MOVING A STEP OR TWO FORWARD EACH DAY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. 

The Right Business and growing....Looking for a highly, successful Home-based Busine$$ where you can EARN while you LEARN?

Date: Sunday

Time: 6:00pm--all times are Central Standard Time

Location: from the comfort of your HOME in your PJs or not

ZOOM Meeting Link:

Where thoughts & ideas come to L.I.F.E. (tm)--Start your homebased business TODAY: Go to Biography and Click CJ PRUITT

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